Smart University Prepaid Card

Your card is not only for college! You can use your smart university card inside and outside the university campus! The card gives you the flexibility of local and global payment and many features, benefits, and offers!

Card Features

Inside Campus:
  • Access to campus and its facilities.
  • Paying the university tuition fees.
  • Receiving university scholarships and royal honorary salaries.
  • Receiving the monthly salaries.
  • Access to the university library and borrowing books.
  • Paying for car parking.
  • Paying at the university cafeteria and other points of sale.

Outside Campus:
  • Benefiting from online payment through apple pay.
  • Paying through local and global points of sale.
  • Shopping online.
  • Discounts from your favorite merchants.
  • Getting an Orange SIM card at the best prices and offers.
  • Paying monthly and recurring subscriptions.
  • Electronic contactless payment (remote) without the password.
    1. Maximum limit for one contactless payment: 100 JODs or equivalent in foreign currencies.
    2. Maximum limit for total contactless payments: 300 JODs or equivalent in foreign currencies.

How to charge the card:

You can recharge the card through the bank’s branches inside or outside the campus.
