Easy Installment Loans

LINC Stands out for its easy installments program which enables the bank’s customers to pay for their purchases in installments without interest in a repayment period of up to 36 months,and that depends on the company and the contract ratified with in this concern.

LINC persists in dealing with a wide network of the best stores and commercial centers that offer various services, in order to afford the customer the best choice.

Proceed now transferring your salary. Or open saving account with us, to enjoy the blessings if easy installments.

Installment price = Cash price

Easy Installment Companies Affiliation

With the Easy Installment Program from LINC, customers can install their purchases while paying with their MasterCard credit cards at POS checkout, with repayment term reaching up to 36 months.

We at LINC insist on building a merchant network comprising of the best stores and commercial centers in Jordan; covering various products and services.

Easy Installment using Credit Card Companies Affiliation

We introduce to you the easy offline installment service through credit cards, from which you can benefit from all types of credit cards for customers of LINC branches by contacting the contact center on 065007700.


  • The installment service includes all credit cards.
  • Purchases can be installed for 3, 6, 9, or 12 months.
  • Purchases can be installed from all merchants (locally, internationally, or online).
  • The minimum total installment amount is 300 and the maximum is 10,000 JODs.
  • The minimum monthly installment amount is 25 JODs, and the maximum is 3,333 JODs.
  • The service can be benefited from more than once according to the credit ceiling.
  • Installment period from (3,6) months at 0% interest, and from (9,12) months at 1% monthly interest.

Terms and conditions:

  • The service is only available for purchase and payment transactions and does not include cash withdrawals.
  • The service is implemented after the completion of the transaction on the system.
  • Installment purchases must not exceed the credit card ceiling.
  • The duration for obtaining the service is 30 days from the date of the transaction.

Interests and commissions:

  • A one-time fixed amount of 10 JODs is deduced for each purchase installment request.

You can now install your purchases through the SMS service by clicking on the link you receive to select the installment amount and repayment period that suit you when using your credit card.

    • The service includes all types of credit cards.
    • The maximum number of transactions for the credit card through all installment programs (SMS, online, offline) is 3.
    • The maximum number of transactions for the customer through all installment programs (SMS, online, offline) is 3.
    • The minimum installment transaction amount is 500 JODs.
    • The maximum installment transaction amount is 10,000 JODs.
    • A commission of 15 JODs is deducted per each installment transaction.
    • The maximum number of accumulated unpaid installments to accept an installment transaction is 2.
    • Installments are made on the available balance within the card limit given to the customer.
    • A fixed commission of 15 JODs is deducted per each installment transaction through SMS.
    • An SMS will be sent stating the approval/decline of the installment transaction, mentioning the reason.


InterestInstallment Period
0%3 months
0%6 months
9%9 months
12%12 months